Friday, 17 May 2013


when my friends humiliate me

when the dear ones obliviate me

my heart murmurs silently
"just keep going
just keep going"

when no one even believes me

when crying does not relieve me

my heart murmurs silently
"just keep going
just keep going"

when lady luck does not smile

when opportunities do not shine

my heart murmurs silently
"just keep going
just keep going"

when the future looks bleak and dull

when the wind carries a gloomy lull

my heart murmurs silently
"just keep going
just keep going"


  1. Nice poem for self motivation.We should always believe in our selves.

  2. The repetition here is essential as its strength is the positive side to all of that negative energy. And you are right, adversity has power to strengthen our resolve. May you use it well! Thank you for visiting my poem "Our Constant Companion."

  3. your wonderful words are really going to encourage me.thank you Susan
